The quest for happiness is universal. Health can impact happiness and good health in the truest sense is not just physical health but includes mental, emotional, and spiritual health and wellbeing. This philosophy guides Dr. Prema Rao, through Akhila Health, to support a pathway to complete, holistic wellbeing at all levels.
Dr. Rao brings a holistic view through her experience as a scientist and Ph.D. education in Psychology, with an emphasis in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). Her dissertation, ‘Treatment of anxiety disorders with allopathic and Ayurvedic techniques’, highlighted a holistic view of Eastern and Western medical perspectives.
Akhila was born out of divine inspiration in 2001. While volunteering at homeless shelters around this time, she was made aware of the prevalent stress of the homeless population and the lack of resources for them to gain resilience. Furthermore, during her Ph.D. program, she understood the immense impact of stress on chronic diseases. Dr. Rao left her career to pursue a life of service— to educate and empower underserved women to manage their situation through holistic health practices
The women were amazingly self-aware, intelligent, and hard-working. But unfortunate external circumstances left them in a challenging financial disadvantage, which often resulted in a compromised state of health and well-being. Dr. Rao made it her mission to give underserved women hope through holistic health. By teaching them the pathway through the Akhila programming, these women are given the tools they need to manage themselves, and rise above their current circumstances to better their lives.